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  • 01/03/2024 15:53 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A national rollout of the National Consultant Information Programme (NCIP) portal is under way for consultant spinal surgeons across England, enabling them to confidentially review their personal practice to help improve clinical quality and patient safety. 

    All consultant spinal surgeons, clinical leads, responsible officers and medical directors are invited to register for access to more than 30 spinal dashboards in the NCIP tool. Procedures include high volume procedures such as posterior lumbar discectomy and decompression and specialist surgical conditions such as intradural intramedullary tumour excision.
    Key features of NCIP include:
    • A ‘whole practice’ view, allowing consultants to see their surgical activity and pseudonymised patient records across all their providers in one view.
    • A ‘clinical leads’ view, enabling consultants who are specialty clinical leads to view NCIP data for all consultant peers in their unit.
    • Functionality to export data, which can be used to streamline clinical audit and support appraisal meetings. 
    About NCIP- Visit https://gettingitrightfirsttime.co.uk/associated_projects/ncip/
    Login to NCIPhttps://ncip.model.nhs.uk
    NCIP is launching the national spinal rollout at the BASS conference in Bournemouth (March 20-22, 2024), where Chair of NCIP, Sir Norman Williams and NCIP’s Spinal clinical lead Mike Hutton will give a presentation on the benefits of regular use of NCIP data. Delegates – existing and new users – can visit the NCIP stand for a demonstration. Email pavitra.paniker@nhs.net  for further details.

  • 16/01/2024 14:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Closing date for applications: 3rd May 2024

    The British Scoliosis Society (BSS), The British Association of Spine Surgeons (BASS), and Orthopaedic Research UK (ORUK) are pleased to announce a new, 2-year spine research fellowship.

    This fellowship of up to £70k is funded between the three organisations across a period of 2 years. This will require a leave of absence from clinical roles and / or training with agreement of employers or training programme directors.

    The fellowship is aimed at individuals with an interest in research into any spinal area. It is open for applications from any individual who is already a member of BSS or BASS or would be eligible to apply for full membership commensurate to their seniority within their professional group. Our approach is inclusive, and we would welcome applications by allied health professionals (AHPs) and nurses along with medical doctors (consultants and trainees).
    It is envisioned that this role will be full time and will result in the awarding of an MD, or equivalent higher degree, in partnership with a UK university, along with high impact papers in recognised journals.

    Application process
    Applications will be a single stage process, with those successful invited for interview. The role is planned to commence in August 2024 and no later than March 2025.
    Applications will be judged on the research idea presented, the prospective research fellow and their ability to deliver the research, and the supporting mentors / supervision team.

    Read more in Guidelines for Researchers

    The closing date for applications is Friday 3rd May 2024 at 17:00

    Further information including contact details and application form can be found at: https://oruk.org/research/joint-partnership-funds/

  • 03/11/2023 14:14 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The British Scoliosis Society (BSS), British Association of Spine Surgeons (BASS) and the UKSSB are supporting 'Movember'!

    Movember.com is a charity that funds projects to improve Men’s Health: Mental Health, Prostate Cancer and Testicular Cancer.

    Please join the UK Spine Surgeons Team and our Captain Paul Thorpe and/or donate to the Team: https://movember.com/t/uk-spine-surgeons-1.

    If a "Mo" is not for you then you can join us and raise money in other ways:

    Submit pictures of you and your "Mo"!

    Some may have already started but for those who haven’t... START YOUR MO TODAY

    Team members can submit photos by the end of the month to movember@britscoliosis.org.uk and prizes will be awarded for "Best Mo", "Top Fundraiser", "Lame Mo" (worst moustache but the best effort) and "Best Mo Sister".

    There will also be a Team photo at the BSS meeting in Liverpool!

    Mo Sisters!

    The only thing Mo Sistas can’t do is Grow (for obvious reasons) but if you would like to support the Team, You can purchase a Mo Sista or Mo Supporter Badge (£2) or T shirt (£10) at BSS Liverpool

    All proceeds go to the UK Spine Surgeons team

    To buy merchandise - Pay at BSS2023 in Liverpool or use this PayPal link and collect your badge/Tee at BSS Liverpool : https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8YNZlBbYuQ

  • 19/10/2023 16:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Clinicians, nurses, AHPs working across the patient pathway can view and bookmark the new, easy-to-navigate format: https://girft-interactivepathways.org.uk/

    GIRFT spinal services clinical lead Mike Hutton and content development manager Polly Hyde have worked with a range of stakeholders* on the new interactive version of our existing pathway, which can be used and bookmarked on all handheld and desktop devices in a range of care settings.

    The easy-to-navigate, web-based tool is designed for use by clinicians, nurses and allied health professionals (AHPs) at every stage of the CES patient pathway, from GP presentation to post-operative care. It guides users through examples of the processes and key decisions they should work through for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients in their care.

    Mike said: “Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) can be devastating to a patient’s quality of life if the condition is not managed in a time efficient manner. Our interactive pathway means clinical teams can see best practice for diagnosis and treatment at the click of a button on their phone or device, which can aid timely decision making in a period when time is most critical.” More info: https://bit.ly/3Qi06Dp

    GIRFT would like to give thanks to the organisations who have collaborated on, reviewed and co-badged this pathway every step of the way:
    British Association of Spine Surgeons (BASS), British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS), British Orthopaedic Association (BOA), The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), National Spine Network (NSN), The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR), Society of British Neurological Surgeons (SBNS), Cauda Equina Champions Charity, Spinal Injuries Association, British Society of Skeletal Radiologists (BSSR)

  • 14/09/2023 12:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    For further information and to register, visit: http://womeninspine2023.eventbrite.co.uk

    Fee: £50.00 (includes accommodation and dinner)
    Registration ends on week before the event

  • 01/09/2023 15:42 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The British Association of Spine Surgeons (BASS) Conference and Exhibition will take place at the Bournemouth International Centre in March 2024!

    We welcome abstract submissions from both members and non-members on a variety of topics, including: Cervical degenerative, Commissioning, Governance & Patient Pathways, Deformity, Infection, Innovation, Intradural, Lumbar degenerative, Spinal Injuries, Trauma, Tumour and Misc/Other

    Visit the BASS2024 submission portal at: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/6675/submitter

    Deadline for submissions: Wednesday 20th December 2023

    All completed abstracts will be considered for either an oral 5-minute podium presentation or a poster presentation for the conference, which will be taking place in Bournemouth as a face-to-face meeting. 
    There unfortunately will be no options for virtual presentations.

    A panel will review submitted abstracts in the weeks after deadline closure, and we will communicate by email to all submitters as soon as possible when decisions have been made, and we will ask for submitters to confirm any offers for presentation made.

    If you have any questions, queries or issues with submitting abstracts then please contact us by email at abstracts@spinesurgeons.ac.uk

    For more information on the conference, including registration, sponsorship and exhibition, visit https://spinesurgeons.ac.uk/BASS2024 and follow us on Twitter/X (@BASSspine) for further updates.

    We look forward to receiving your submissions and welcoming you in Bournemouth in March 2024!

    Registration for BASS 2024 will be opening in the coming months
    We will be notifying members by email and publicly on Twitter/X when this occurs.

  • 17/05/2023 17:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The British Association of Spine Surgeons (BASS) and the British Scoliosis Society (BSS) will be sponsoring one place each on this round of the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) Future Leaders Programme (FLP)

    This places are only open to members of BASS or BSS, and applications will close next Tuesday 6th June 2023.

    To be eligible to take part in the programme, when the programme runs, you must be either:

    • A senior trainee (ST8 or above)
    • A newly appointed consultant (less than 3 years)
    • An SAS Surgeon (FRCS Tr&Orth)
    • A post-CCT Surgeon
    The successful candidate must be a BASS or BSS member, and BOA member when the programme runs to be eligible to take part (you may still apply without BOA membership, but will need to apply if successful. You must be a BASS or BSS member upon application)

    For more information on the FLP and how to apply, visit the BOA website: https://www.boa.ac.uk/learning-and-events/courses/boa-future-leaders-programme.html

  • 04/04/2023 10:40 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Register at www.BritSpine.com - discounts for BASS members!

  • 28/02/2023 14:43 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A new pathway helping clinicians to better diagnose and care for patients with suspected Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) is now available from the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) team.

    GIRFT worked collaboratively a multidisciplinary group of more than 60 healthcare professionals to develop the interactive pathway, designed to support teams to diagnose and treat the condition without delay. It offers best practice along all stages of the pathway, from presentation to GP or in the community through to post-operative care. It is supported by detailed guidance, including best practice for referrals and imaging, surgical techniques and pain control.

    The resources were developed in collaboration with the former Best MSK Health improvement programme and are co-badged by 11 professional bodies, including BASS, NSN, BOA and SBNS.

    GIRFT is running a webinar on 2nd March 2023 (1pm-2.15pm) to discuss the stages of the pathway and to allow clinicians to ask questions. Register now.

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